Check the running total, the rate of signing, and the numbers signing in each constituency here. And if you still haven't signed, this is the link to the petition on the Parliament website.
By 10 a.m. on Monday 25th March 2019, over 5.4 million people had signed the Parliamentary petition to Revoke Article 50 and stay in the EU. Most Liberal Democrats have already signed but, in case you haven't yet, just follow this link to get to the relevant page of the House of Commons Petitions website. And tell all your friends and family to join you. This site is aiming to get as many signatures as voted to leave in the 2016 Referendum!
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Fly-tipping is unsightly, dangerous and expensive to clear up. Whether it's rubbish dumped across a country lane, on farms which the farmer has to clear up, or old fridges left in residential streets, Tipping isn't a 'victimless crime'. It costs money, and can cost lives.