Help us oppose Citizens Advice funding cuts
We are campaigning to reverse proposed ‘drastic’ cuts to vital services in Edenbridge & Westerham, Sevenoaks and Swanley – and need your help
The three local Citizens Advice (CA) offices face reduced opening hours because of council cuts of more than a third that have been put forward without any consultation.
The cuts have been proposed despite demand for CA services increasing by 14 per cent last year, as people continue to struggle with the pressures of rising costs of living.
The £35,000 reduction - affecting Edenbridge & Westerham, Sevenoaks and Swanley CA offices - was agreed by Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) Cabinet at its meeting in January. There was no consultation with either councillors or Citizens Advice in advance.
Now, Liberal Democrat members of SDC have vowed to fight this decision by the Conservative-run council.
If you agree, please add your name to our petition.
The Petition will be used be used as part of our opposition when the decision comes to a vote, on 20th February.
You can also email your objection to the Council Leader and Local MP at the following address:;; and copy to
Please encourage your friends to do the same.

Petition to stop cuts to Edenbridge & Westerham, Sevenoaks and Swanley Citizens Advice
We the undersigned are petitioning Sevenoaks District Council not to impose any cuts to the grant funding provided to Citizens Advice in Edenbridge & Westerham, Sevenoaks and Swanley. The council needs to reverse these cuts to protect important services in the midst of the cost of living crisis.