Support Safer Speeds on Tonbridge Road

Your local councillors have submitted a request to the Sevenoaks Joint Transport Board (JTB) proposing that the speed limit be changed to 30mph between the Letterbox Lane junction and Sevenoaks School, with a visible electronic speed awareness prompt to remind drivers that the speed limit has changed.
It is currently under consideration by the JTB, which will be conducting a traffic survey.
This petition seeks to support the efforts made to address this issue by residents, by showing opposition to the current excessive speed and agreement with the measures proposed.
Scroll down for further background details and a map.
Cllrs Cath Daniell, Chloe Gustard & Nick Varley
Safer Speeds on Tonbridge Road
Traffic speeds on Tonbridge Road in Sevenoaks are too high for the number of pedestrians and children. The Joint Transport Board needs to take action to reduce this to a safer speed:
This petition will remain open until midnight on 26th January 2024.
The White Hart Public House on Tonbridge Road is a busy pick up/drop off location for many local children travelling to and from schools in Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells and further afield.
Approximately 60 local children a day use the bus stops and the car park here to pick up their school transport.
This means that the children have to cross the busy Tonbridge Road at rush hour. There are no official crossings at the site. The traffic is heavy and fast, and the pavements are narrow.
The speed limit here is 40mph, decreasing from 60mph just before Gracious Lane.
The speed and volume of traffic here present a real danger to the children and other users of bus service.
In addition, it is also a risk for local people who need to cross here to access the southwest entrance of Knole Park and patrons of The White Hart.
A report by The Royal Society for the prevention of Accidents (ROSPA, 2018, concluded that accidents involving pedestrians at 40mph were 4.5 times more likely to be fatal than accidents at 30mph.
Many residents have already complained to the council about this issue and Sevenoaks Town Council has approached KCC Highways to ask for the speed changes as outlined here.