Save our prime farmland across Swanley and Sevenoaks
Subject: Garden Villages
Dear Sir,
Your article about building a garden 'village' on Grade 2 agricultural land in Swanley suggested that this move might be welcomed through displacement by those opposed to such development in Sevenoaks in the final paragraph.
Yet when the Lib Dems surveyed all local residents affected across Swanley they were overwhelmingly against concreting over their farmland and building tower blocks in the town centre.
The arguments for building housing are strong. But whether in Sevenoaks or Swanley this should be on brownfield and not greenfield sites essential for ensuring our food security and beautiful surrounding fields and woodlands, and always through prior and thorough consultation with local people beforehand.
Dr Alan Bullion
Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman for Swanley and Sevenoaks