Introducing Robert Woodbridge for White Oak and Swanley

Picture: Former Swanley Mayor Janet Sargeant delivering surveys on White Oak
Robert Woodbridge is a former Leader of Swanley Town Council. He is now standing as local Lib Dem candidate for both Kent County Council, and the Swanley Town Council seat of White Oak, where he lives.
Robert has lived in Swanley since 1972, is married to Theresa and has three grown-up children and two grandchildren.
Robert holds several certificates and a diploma in Law, and has been a Councillor for 16 years, during which time he brought solar panels to Town Council buildings, introduced biodiesel for the Council vehicles, and got allotments extended.
Robert is also a great believer in protecting the Green Belt and reducing the speed limits outside schools as '20 is plenty', and also along the busy London Road.
If elected he would also ensure that residents always had their say on local issues, and would oppose the building of tower blocks on the Town Centre car parks. Robert also wants to bring more affordable homes to Swanley.