Help get Safer Streets round ALL our schools

Can you help create safer streets for all our young people to get to school?
Liberal Democrat councillors backed the 2019 campaign for 20 mph zones round St Johns and Sevenoaks primary schools from the start. We helped with the petition, printed the posters, sent details out in our newsletters, and supported the petition at Council meetings. Now its in place, residents really appreciate safer, quieter, streets too.
Now we need to make the same protection available to other schools - Lady Boswells and St Thomas' primary schools, plus the secondary schools at Trinity, Weald of Kent, Knole Academy and Sevenoaks School. That's why Richard Streatfeild is backing the plan by local campaigners to include roads from Bradbourne Lakes to Hillingdon Avenue, and the High Street and London Road, in new zones.
This will tackle the areas where 184 accidents have happened over the last ten years, and over 200 people have been injured. It will also make our Town Centre more attractive and safer to walk around, if traffic moves at a safer pace and shoppers can cross the roads safely.
This petition has around 1000 signatures already, on paper and online. You can sign today at
If you'd like to help Richard promote safer streets please contact him at