Get Stag Back on Its Feet

All Sevenoaks Town Councillors are committed for Stag to reopen and to succeed . We've been working for a plan to make it happen.We have to save Stag as a going concern not just for a few months then have to close it. We need to be clear on business-like plans to make it self supporting again.
We know the next few months are very hard to predict, and the Town Council has very little spare cash to give. So we suggested a three stage plan:
1) an immediate ' Open the Doors' grant to Stag to get the cinema up and running as soon as possible, and to start bring audiences back to Stag over the summer
2) a ' Build Back Stag' grant, to match (as far as the Town Council can) community fundraising, and donations, which Stag can raise to start the Theatre, Plaza Suite and cafe working again over the autumn as shows and hirers return. The community has to be be at the heart of this
3) if the appeals and audiences go well, start investing in improvements which have been delayed by Covid, so that Stag Builds Back Better than ever.
We know that to get Stag back on its feet could cost every Town taxpayer £25.
Our appeal to everyone in and around Sevenoaks who loves the Stag - get involved! Go to and donate.