Who thinks May's got a good deal?
Where you can learn, work, live, do business, fall in love, get sick.....
Today ......................If May has her way

Why would anyone support May's 'deal'
The Prime Minister's 'deal' to leave the EU keeps us close to Europe on the market for goods, with a huge balance of payments deficit. We stick to their rules without a say in how they are set.
But it excludes us long term from the single market for high value services, where we run the whopping surplus which allows Britain to pay for its food, and all those BMWs and Mercedes. Whether you're in financial, technical, business, transport, health or legal services, life will get tougher.
Her reason for doing this is to abolish the right of free movement, which allows our young people to learn, work, do business, live and love anywhere from Reykjavik to Athens, from Oslo to Lisbon. Is that really it?
Promises that German business would force European politicians to give us 'the easiest deal in history' came to nothing. They've worked out that we'll be hard put to afford a VW beetle!
Why did 200 MPs vote for this? Who can claim that this life limiting outcome is what the 2016 referendum voted for?