What exactly will Brexit mean for Sevenoaks and Swanley?

It is increasingly clear that we will need a second vote on whatever terms and conditions are eventually reached on the UK government triggering the Brexit process under Article 50 of the European Union within the next two years.
While new Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May has boldly declared 'Brexit means Brexit', for the 48 per cent of the British people that wanted to Remain, we need a fresh say on what happens next, including an option to remain in the EU, with all the wider benefits that membership brings.
The Brexiteers have never offered a firm vision of Britain's future, instead proposing anything from a Norway to North Korean solutions on vital trade and economic and employment issues.
As someone who has worked on global agricultural trade issues for the past two decades, if we leave the UK will have to renegotiate on lengthy and protracted deals that could take several years to conclude, while spending up to 5 billion pounds to employ hundreds of new negotiators and lawyers to complete such bilateral trade agreements both satisfactorily and successfully for all concerned.
Dr Alan Bullion
Lib Dem Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Sevenoaks and Swanley