Vote TODAY for Richard STREATFEILD - Bough Beech, Chiddingstone, Fordcombe and Penshurst NB: Polls close at 10pm

Richard Streatfeild
Record of action
* Investment in a new community hall
* Opposing major expansion at Gatwick
* Funding for village sports facilities
* Community broadband initiative
* Starting work on affordable homes
Ready to deliver more
* Safer streets round our schools
* Tackling traffic through our villages
* Local solution for affordable homes
* Protect our countryside and farms
* Checks on aircraft and other noise
Many Thanks to everyone who has been in touch during the District
Council election campaign. Your feedback to our survey, and on the
doorstep has given me plenty to work on.
I aim to work as your District Councillor the same way as I have as a
local parish councillor. Working together to get the best for everyone
in our community is what makes our villages great places to live.
Yours sincerely,
VOTE STREATFEILD X Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm
Printed by Newgraphic, 127A High St Edenbridge, TN8 5AX. Published and promoted by James Morgan, on behalf of Richard Streatfeild, all at One Oak, Little Browns Lane, Edenbridge TN8 6LJ.