Sevenoaks Town Council backs Safer Streets

In the battle for recovery of Sevenoaks as a market town, the Town Council has made a vital first step.
On Friday 5th June it backed a plan which will make the town centre safer and more attractive to walk round, so that residents and vistors can reach shops, cafes, and all the other service businesses which make it worth coming to.
The Council backed:
- wider pavements in High Streeet and London Road, so people can keep the required distance apart while the virus lasts
- making part of High St one way south, and part of London Road one way north, to make room for pedestrians
- 20 mph limits in High Street and London Road
- more crossing points, or traffic calming, to protect shoppers safely
We hope Kent County Council will make the changes happen in the next couple of weeks, so that Sevenoaks is the safest and most attractive place to come when shops open in mid June.
The Town Council's flower baskets are going up now to make a splash of colour - what we need now is the safer streets that people have asked for.