Please sign our Sevenoaks Syrian Refugees Petition

Sevenoaks Lib Dem Councillor Elizabeth Purves has submitted an e-petition to Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) which needs support, and we hope you may be interested in doing just that.
Hundreds of people have already signed, and it has made the front page of the Sevenoaks Chronicle.
A suitable site has now been identified in the village of Eynsford, despite the shameful opposition of some careerist Conservative and UKIP councillors.
The context is as follows:
In response to the crisis in Syria, the UK Government quite properly has set up the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme. This scheme involves taking identified vulnerable families straight from refugee camps in the Middle East and resettling them in the UK.
The refugees are given 5 years Humanitarian Leave to Remain and as such are able to work and claim benefits from day one. Every district in Kent except Sevenoaks has pledged to offer home/s to refugees under the Scheme.
The PETITION says:
We, the undersigned, petition the council to take part in the Kent Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme and pledge to provide at least one Syrian family a home in the next 5 years, as has every other District in Kent.
I hope you will want to join us and add pressure on the Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) to think again, by supporting the e-Petition at: You will find 4th paragraph down, "view e-petitions received". You have to register first.
Or please Google 'Sevenoaks District Council Petitions' and look for the 4th paragraph down.
We need at least 1,000 signatures across the hardcopy and e-Petitions before 6th April 2017 to force a debate in the SDC Chamber.
If you would prefer to sign the paper version of the petition, please contact Elizabeth at
Best Regards,
Cllr Elizabeth Purves, Sevenoaks Eastern ward