It's snowing in Swanley - but Robert's winning team are out in force!

RW Swanley Canvassing leaflet mc version copy
The weather was snowy and cold, but spirits were warm on the weekend campaign trail in Swanley, as Lib Dem Town Council candidate Robert Woodbridge and his winning team took to the streets of White Oak ward. Come and help us take White Oak from the Tories on Thursday March 2nd by electing Robert Woodbridge!
Former Swanley Mayor Janet Sargeant supports Robert Woodbridge for White Oak: "Robert's first and foremost priority is the residents of the ward where he lives and would be elected to serve. He is a voice of wide experience, and strongly believes in Democracy and Transparency, and the right for the public to debate matters, and not just 'nod' them through the Council Chamber, as the ruling Tories do."