How your Lib Dem KCC candidates will deliver stronger services on six key issues

Six issues for Kent County Council to Fix
1. Environment
Protecting the green belts around our towns and villages to provide more recreation areas, protect green lungs and prevent them from merging.
2. Street Scenery
Requiring all lorries to carry lorry-specific sat navs.
Provide a network of lorry parks and shut down parking areas without toilet facilities.
Ban pavement and verge parking which forces pedestrians, especially those with prams, buggies and mobility vehicles into road traffic.
20 mph limits for residential areas that want it to cut injuries, deaths, and noise and improve air quality.
Greater proportion of KCC budget (currently 3%) spent on maintaining roads.
3. Planning
Cutting congestion on existing roads before building of more low cost homes.
Use KCC resources to support the building of more lower cost homes.
Objecting to planning applications which do not ensure adequate road improvements.
4. Education
Free public transport to Grammar Schools so that no child is prevented from taking up a place by distance or poverty.
Greater focus on children aged 1 to 7 and school meals availability.
All teachers to be fully qualified or more training on the job.
5. Care Services and Health
Raising money to pay for good standard of care through National Insurance.
Valuing the work of care workers including paying care workers a fair wage.
Supporting voluntary organisations like CAB and Age UK who are doing the vital job of providing services for the elderly which councils can no longer afford to provide.
Lib Dems oppose the current hospital Sustainable Transformation Plans for hospitals in Kent. £1.8 million of the £2.2m required to put them into effect has already been spent meeting the Health Services debts. Hospital closures have resulted in a service which is too far for many residents to travel to.
We are the local voice in defending our NHS as free at the point of delivery.
6. Fairer Taxes
Raising money for local services through local tax should be related to the ability to pay.
7. Lack of Democracy due to Conservative dominance
Kent Conservatives have used their political majority to ensure that all scrutiny committees are chaired by Conservatives and only Conservatives are represented on the Health and Wellbeing Board, and on the Economic Development Board which awards loans to Kent businesses.
When KCC privatised or creates arms length or joint venture companies, only Conservatives serve on the boards of those companies. This is undemocratic.
All scrutiny committees should be chaired by the opposition parties, as recommended by the Councils Remuneration Panel, and council committee places should be allocated proportionally to party strength, as in Parliament.
Vote Lib Dem in the KCC elections on Thursday May 4th for positive, local change, and improved service delivery across Kent.
picture credit: Trocaire from Ireland
Richard Streatfeild
Photos of some of your local Lib Dem community candidates for KCC