Gareth Willis and Lib Dems win on Climate

Conservatives didn't show up for either the Party Leaders debate or the local debate on Climate Change. Their council green policies have been inadequate. Conservatives are not taking this issue seriously at National or local level. They are out of step with the electorate and young people who understand the gravity of the situation.
In contrast LiberalDemocrats have already shaped national and international policy. In government we helped shape the UN carbon reduction plans.
In Sevenoaks too, our councilllors have driven the agenda. Liberal Democrats on Sevenoaks District Council pressed its leader for a response to Climate Change. It came out in November, with some useful initiatives, including incentives for new zero carbon homes, electric charging points, and advice to existing home owners on insulation.
We've persuaded the Town Council to go further. To show we're serious, Zero Carbon is the central theme of the new Sevenoaks' Neighbourhood Plan. Its objectives include:
reducing vehicle use, especially around schools
use of 20mph zones to make walking and cycling safer
better public transport, making it easier to use with better information
more trees on Town Council land, and encouraging planting elsewhere
linking up green spaces in our town with 'green routes'
promoting the Sevenoaks Plastic Free programme
planning rules to allow conversion of existing homes to Zero Carbon
sustainable housing development, so people can live closer to where they work
more green space, both for people and wildlife.
We want everyone to help shape the plan, and develop it. So please get involved when consultation starts in January. In the meantime, check the draft at