Election Alert from Gareth Willis, 2019
Election Alert from Gareth Willis, 2019

Once in a generation we face an election with profound choices for the future of Britain. The government's action yesterday, closing down Parliament, make it likely we will fight one of them. Please join the 1.3 million people who have already signed the petition to challenge the attack on democracy at https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/269157 .
Britain has been hijacked by "No Deal" Brexiteers determined to remove us from the EU without a mandate, causing damage to our economy, society and global status. Labour cannot articulate a position or challenge Boris Johnson. Only the Lib Dems can do this.
We are preparing for an Autumn election.
The national picture for our party is strong. Outstanding results in Council, European and By-elections show we can win. Our message is well received by voters, where we organise to get it across.
The national party will fight for democracy. What has happened since the 2016 referendum is failure to govern for the good of the country, or to address the issues people really care about.
Sevenoaks and Swanley Liberal Democrats have a strong strategy, focusing on four key issues: Europe, Environment, Education, Housing.
We will build on our People's Vote and Climate Emergency campaigns, which have raised our profile and connected with local voters. New members are joining the party right across the constituency.
We will reach out to first time voters. Most object strongly to losing their EU citizenship with no say. Remaining in Europe, the Environment, Housing and Education all matter to them. There is a rising tide of engagement from young people on highlighted by school strikes to urge action on the climate emergency.
This election will determine the future of our country. We must be organised to mount a strong challenge. The Council and European Elections show we are the opposition in Sevenoaks and can close the gap on the Conservatives. To maximise our impact in the next election we need a whole team effort.
Please let me know how you will be able to help. Conact me on 01732 467732; willis01732@gmail.com
We will announce a campaign launch when the dust clears from yesterday.
Thank you for your support
Gareth Willis
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokeman for Sevenoaks and Swanley