30 teachers at risk under Conservative funding plans for existing Sevenoaks schools

School heads and governors have warned of real cuts to schools in Sevenoaks.
Their warnings are supported by detailed estimates from teaching unions on the impact of new Conservative funding reductions on individual schools*
Within two years the existing schools in our town will lose £1.2 million a year - that's up to 30 teachers.
The next generation needs the best education for all, to give everyone the skills they need to succeed.
Cutting education funding makes that harder to do.
Liberal Democrats - in Kent and at Westminster - will back proper school funding.
Only the Liberal Democrats have announced they will invest nearly £7 billion more in our schools and colleges over the next parliament.
* https://www.schoolcuts.org.uk/#/
shows detailed estimates based on official figures
Estimated impact on schools in Sevenoaks
School Likely budget loss Teachers at risk
Knole Academy £499,000 14
St Johns £134,000 4
Sev Primary £164,000 4
Lady Boswell £80,000 2
St Thomas £63,000 2
Seal £55,000 2
Riverhead £104,000 3
Amherst £105,000 3
Published and Promoted by Alastair McPherson on behalf of Alan Bullion and Sevenoaks Liberal Democrats, all at 44 Well Road, Otford, Kent TN14 5PT.